Punch first, ask questions while punching.

Vi’s gauntlets are an example of something our artists call “hextech”, a fusion of magic and technology that harness the power of both. Vi’s gauntlets not only pack a punch in that they’are giant and heavy; they also increase ther dexterity and strength. Hextech levels the playing field so regular humans can challenge mages, monsters, or whatever might creep from the void. Jayce’s hammer, Heimerdinger’s gadgets and Ziggs’s “Hexplosives” are all examples of what a little hextech can do.

Vi Concept 

One of the first things I saw as a new member of Riot’s champion design team was an illustration of Vi hanging up on the wall in the office. She was so punk-rock, and the lollipop hanging out of her mouth perfectly communicated her doesn’t-give-a-damn attitude. I saw it and knew I had to make her into a character in the game.

August Browning—Champion Designer

Vi Gauntlet Studies/ Vi Head Studies/Vi Grayscale Studies 

Vi Animation Studies

Here comes the punchline!

Vi Animation Studies 

Art can let us into a character’s life in a way the game can’t. This illustration is an exploration of what Vi might look like after a long day of punching her way through Piltover’s criminals. In it, we see Vi as a human, not a superhero. There’s an internal cost and pain to her work that wears on more than her knuckles.

Demon Vi Splash Art

Office Vi Splash Art

Vi Splash Art

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