By Lixin Yin from San Francisco

Author Bio: Hello, My name is Lixin Yin, I’m a concept artist, key frame artist, and illustrator working in the Film and Game industry. I have over 15 years of experience in this industry. Currently based in San Francisco.

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Game:《Dungeons & Dragons》,《Magic: The Gathering》,《Magic: The Gathering》(Universes Beyond) ,《The Avengers》,《War Hammer40000》,《Darksiders 2》,《Diablo IV》,《Saint Row4》,《The Elder Scrolls Online》,《Corum》,《League of Legends》,《2KNBA》,《Call of Duty OL》 ,《Assassin’s Creed》 ,《Corssfire》 etc.

Film&TV:《The Marvels》,《Secret Invasion》,《The Monkey King》,《Kong:Skull Island》,《After 10000 Years》,《Star Core》,《The Story of Peach Blossom》,《Unlimited Killing》,《The Wheel of Time Origins》,《Novoland:Eagle Flag》,《Legend of FuYao》,《The King’s Avatar 》etc.

Other:《The Sandman: Act III》(Cover Art) , 《The Druid of Shannara》(Special Editions)  

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