By RHENN TAGUIAM at Gamerant

Deckard Cain is a big part of Diablo’s universe and lore. Here’s a look at 10 things you might not know about the character.

Stay awhile and listen. CRPG fans who read that sentence will immediately remember the scholar Deckard Cain from the Diablo franchise. Outside the titular Lord of Terror, it’s perhaps this kindly old man that’s become one of the most memorable characters in Blizzard’s hit CRPG. After all, Deckard Cain served as a scholar who continuously helped players from the sidelines. Throughout the games, Deckard Cain has been offering his knowledge whenever they needed it.

Stay awhile and listen. CRPG fans who read that sentence will immediately remember the scholar Deckard Cain from the Diablo franchise. Outside the titular Lord of Terror, it’s perhaps this kindly old man that’s become one of the most memorable characters in Blizzard’s hit CRPG. After all, Deckard Cain served as a scholar who continuously helped players from the sidelines. Throughout the games, Deckard Cain has been offering his knowledge whenever they needed it.

10. Cain Got His Name From A Contest

Fans of the Diablo mythos will likely get hooked with the game’s uniquely dark, gritty, sword-and-sorcery setting. As such, fans know it’s become Diablo staple for names and concepts to allude to concepts in esotericism, mysticism, and medieval fantasy. Interestingly, the Blizzard team didn’t come up in Deckard Cain.

Rather, Blizzard got Deckard Cain from a contest! Gaming magazine PC Gamer launched a “Name in the Game” contest that rewarded a subscriber not just a copy of the game, but also a Diablo statue. Moreover, Diablo will feature the winner’s name!

Diablo producer Bill Roper wrote a letter to Deckard Cain Elder congratulating him on winning PC Gamer’s contest. He told Deckard that “the town elder” in the center of Tristam will bear his namesake.

9. Cain Was Not A Horadrim

Despite pronouncements of being “the last of the Horadrim,” Cain did not actually join the Brotherhood of the Horadrim. Rather, it’s his mother, Aderes Cain, that served as one of the last members of the Order. As such, Aderes told Cain of stories about the Order’s history and how they fought the Prime Evils, much to Cain’s disbelief.

However, Cain would know enough about the Horadrim thanks to his mother’s books and readings. At some point, he would consider himself as “one of the last Horadrim,” perhaps by lineage. Unfortunately, Cain would only begin to take his mother’s teachings more seriously throughout the tragedies of Tristram.

8. Cain Trained The Warrior

The first Diablo game takes place in Tristram, where a group of adventurers will descend beneath Tristram’s Cathedral to eliminate the evil plaguing the town. Interestingly, Cain has a special relationship with one of these adventurers – the Warrior, Aidan.

In fact, Aidan turned out not to be an ordinary warrior, but instead a Prince that hailed from Tristram. It’s Aidan’s father, Leoric, that will become the ruler of the Kingdom of Khanduras. And unfortunately for Aidan, it’s his brother Albrecht that will be the host of Diablo in the first game.

Cain served as Aidan’s tutor, treating him as his own son despite the young man being self-absorbed. It’s also Cain that will first notice the “changes” in Aidan after he plunged Diablo’s Soulstone in his forehead – an act that leads into the events of Diablo 2.

7. Cain Exchanged Knowledge

As a scholar, it’s no question that Cain gained much of his knowledge from his readings. However, Cain acquired knowledge on more secretive and mysterious subjects from people he continues to interact with. The witch Adria served as one such person, with her presence in Tristram in Diablo both a relief and a mystery to adventurers and Cain alike.

Adria sold magical items to adventurers, much to the villagers’ chagrin. The townsfolk became wary of Adria due to her mystical knowledge and possession of magical artifacts. However, Cain took this opportunity to exchange knowledge with the witch. What he told her about Zoltun Kulle, the Horadrim, and other historical subjects, Adria exchanged with her knowledge on demonology.

As such, what players know of the Sin War, the Zakarum faith, the Mage Clan Wars, and the Horadrim that have come from Cain have likely come from this exchange.

6. Cain Experienced Some Retcons

Interestingly, Cain also received his fair share of retcons in his character storyline. For instance, TheAwakening, which gave players a Diablo-themed Advanced Dungeons & Dragons experience, listed Cain’s birth to be in 1213. However, sourcebook Book of Tyrael revised this to be in 1202. In addition, the novel The Order cites both 1202 and 1213 as years of Cain’s birth.

However, more substantial retcon forms around Cain’s exposure to the Brotherhood of the Horadrim. In Diablo 3, rumors state that Cain spent time with the Horadrim in the past. However, The Order retcons this and states Cain only had his mother as his only experience with the Order.  

5. Cain Had To Raise The Stakes

Given that Deckard Cain served as one of the recurring characters in the franchise, it’s no question players will get attached to the kindly old scholar. Sadly, his death in the hands of Maghda in Diablo 3 propelled players to finish their journey as the Nephalem. Unfortunately, it seems Deckard Cain’s death was necessary to push the plot forward.

Moreover, according to Blizzard, this move in the story carried an undertone that some tragedies throughout the rest of the story may have been averted had Deckard Cain survived that fatal encounter. Unfortunately, the move to eliminate Deckard Cain from the picture was imminent, given that Adria and Tyrael already serve as advisors to the game throughout the game.

4. Cain Believed In An Afterlife

Another interesting tidbit about Deckard Cain’s point of view in life is his belief in an Afterlife. Interestingly, Deckard Cain’s vision of the Afterlife is one beyond the idea of Heaven and Hell. He believed that given humanity’s potential to be swayed into the forces of good and evil, there should be some possibility of humanity to still have the “essence” of their Nephalem ancestors.

Moreover, Deckard Cain wondered that, should such a possibility be true, then humanity may be capable of being “more” than being just an instrument for the Forces of Light and Darkness in the form of warriors and fighters.

3. Cain’s Fate Had Different Iterations

Interestingly, despite the inevitability of Deckard Cain’s fate in Diablo 3, the dev team did consider this event to happen at different points in the story. Initially, it appears Deckard Cain’s death should happen much later than Magdha’s appearance in the final product. Likewise, the team also considered for Leah to accidentally kill Deckard Cain after losing control of her powers. However, they scrapped this idea.

In the end, the team decided for Magdha to kill Deckard Cain. After all, she established herself as the major villain of that particular arc of the game.

2. Cain Disproved Angels About Mankind

In Diablo lore, humans turned out to be descendants of the Nephalem, half-angel and half-demon hybrids courtesy of Inarius and Lilith. In fact, it’s Inarius and Lilith’s union that would eventually create a Sanctuary, a supposed “neutral” zone far from the war between the Forces of Light and Darkness.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of mankind, even Angels don’t think mankind is worth protecting. It’s due to this disbelief that Tyrael, Archangel of Justice, decided to fall angel in order to protect mankind himself. Thankfully, it’s actually Deckard Cain’s actions that proved humanity’s worth to Angels. In The Order, Auriel, Archangel of Hope, pointed out Deckard Cain’s will and dedication to helping mankind against the Forces of Evil proved humanity’s worth to her.

1. Cain Had A Book

Players interested in seeing the world of Sanctuary in Deckard Cain’s eyes can buy an actual hardcover compendium to do so. Thanks to Book of Cain, players can get to know the lore of the Diablo franchise on a more intimate level as it contains both words and illustrations “from Deckard Cain” himself.

Whereas other games had separate compendiums and sourcebooks, Blizzard designed Book of Cain to be an “in-world” item that supposedly exists in the game. Thanks to this book, players can have a better understanding of the underlying themes of Diablo and the many things that happened throughout Sanctuary’s history.  

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